Erasing the Dividing Lines: When Traditional and Digital Marketing Join Forces

By all accounts, we live in a digital world. Everything we do — from booking reservations to reading novels to interacting with one another — can be done with smartphones, computers and tablets utilizing the wondrous technology of the internet.

taking your business online

Traditional marketing, however — television and radio ads, direct mail, word of mouth — stillranks very high on the list of ways to drive customer growth.

So which one’s the best?

The answer is: both. The line between digital and traditional marketing is quickly blurring and, if any business wants to keep pace, they must adjust to this blurring. Here are a few quick points to think about when marketing your business.

Erasing The Dividing Line

In the past, marketing seemed to be relatively straightforward: a business with a printer and a
stamp affixer would create ads and mailers to distribute the old-fashioned way and reach new potential customers. More recently, with the rise of the internet and social media, businesses were able to reach customers more quickly and consistently. And, for the most part, the approaches were used separately.

Today, however, this delineation is gone. Now, you can create a traditional ad, but rather than relying on the mail or television, you can use Twitter, Facebook or any number of social media sites that can reach your customer base instantaneously. The two approaches now work in sync and enable businesses to keep their ads and other information fresh in the minds of their customers.

Passive vs. Active Engagement

Traditional marketing is a passive approach: customers watch television ads, hear a spot on the radio and do not participate in any way other than gaining information. Digital marketing, however, is an active approach that begs for customer interaction: they can retweet a post, take surveys in real time or share an ad they like on Facebook. Combining the two marketing approaches offers unique opportunities for any business. With the
advance of mobile technology, you can now use your traditional marketing outlets to make a call-to-action that your customers can participate in. Rather than, say, merely advertising on a billboard, you can ask customers to share their favorite things about your business on social media. When customers participate in your brand, they feel more involved and are more likely to stay with you.

Personalised Experiences

Customers crave a personalized experience with your brand, They want to know that your business represents their morals, ethics and philosophies, like a friend would. Your business should use this to their advantage. While traditional marketing can help get your message out to a particular demographic, digital marketing can help you pinpoint exactly what your brand’s demographic is. Use a registration form that customers can fill out on your website to gather demographic information. You can also track buying habits to see which products or services are most popular. Both of these will help you provide a more personal experience. Instead of thinking of traditional and digital marketing as separate practices, try to use them in coordination and it will help your business grow. Spencer Douglas has years of experience at a marketing company where he is now an accounts manager, though comes from a design background. He writes about print and digital marketing strategies for business owners worldwide

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