Jas Hair – Chirstchurch Salon Review

This is a sponsored post I was given this hair cut for free (although I did pay for the hair treatment and hand massage)

After having a baby I always end up with rubbish hair!!  My hair is so thick then it doubles during pregnancy and then gracefully falls out in huge clumps after the baby has arrived.  With Megan my hair got so long and I used to put it up all the time that I never realised that it was actually down to my bum nearly .. so that was soon lopped off!!  I must admit I am rubbish at finding the time to even fit in a hair cut!!  I’ve got better since Megan arrived and needs regular haircuts (you’ve never seen hair grow so fast!!) this meant during my last pregnancy I had been maintaining my hair better than previous!!

Olive is 13 weeks now and I was desperate for a hair cut!! The lovely ladies at Jas Hair came to the rescue!  With 3 salons in total in Christchurch, Wilton and Salisbury, we opted for the closest being at Christchurch.   I met Emma from PR Mummy outside, I was joined by my beautiful baby Olive, due to badly planned communication between Daddy Moo and I!

From the moment we walked in to the salon we were treated like royalty.  The staff were all very friendly and very accommodating considering I had a baby with me.   During my hand massage she started to cry and the lovely stylist Nicola brought her over so she could see me. Still not settling Nicola was happy for Olive to sit on my knee and even feed her …. result!

What I liked :-

  • friendly staff
  • lovely atmosphere
  • the girl who washed my hair talked me through all the products she put on my hair and why she was using them
  • small individual coffee pots & cake .. I like that this was made specific for you and the little touches made you feel special
  • parking – there is a pay display carpark behind which was reasonably priced £2 for 3 hours
  • MY HAIR! LOVE my new barnet! Will definitely be going back!

Would I recommend??

Most definately 2 days later and my chair still feels/looks gorgeously soft, smooth and shiney!

Jas Hair  * website * twitter * facebook *

this is a pic of me after it had settled!

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