Guilt and Envy

I write a lot about juggling a business and a family.  I can give you tips, advice and suggestions based upon my own experiences and what works for us – but I can’t make IT work for you. Every family and every business is unique – you need to find and develop your own juggling routine and sometimes trial and error is the only way to do that.

Joanne Dewberry

I’ve been feeling a bit blue lately.  I’ve been “networking” again. Now don’t get me wrong I love networking. But it does sometimes leave me feeling sad. Why? Because I sometimes start to feel one of two things :-

  1. Guilt
  2. Envy

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Guilt :

I do feel like I have the balance right – well most of the time. But then you see a blogger constantly on the ball with their reviews and content and always doing fabulous things with their children and you think HOW!! Crafters making the most amazing items and I’m still weeks behind on my Christmas Stock and its now er .. Christmas.

Envy :

Suddenly realising that yes so much has happened in the last 5 years but essentially Charlie Moo’s is still in the same position.  I could do so much to grow and expand but my time management is shocking! I feel envious of those who “appear” to be flying high, jet setting around the world, expanding and launching new products.

I know you are sat nodding in agreement with me.
Yes you feel the same.
It’s hard!
Running a business is hard!
Supporting, nurturing and caring for a family is hard!
There is no easy solution.

Last week I attended #SBSEvent2013 for all the winners of Theo Paphitis #SBS and a question was asked along the lines of juggling his family. Theo replied along the lines of – that his career has enabled him to provide a privileged life for his children but to achieve those privileges something has to be sacrificed – his time.  I have passion, drive and ambition – bucket loads of ambition. But I want to say “sod it” down tools and go see the children’s Christmas concert.  Have a day off to go to the Sealife Centre with friends – because I can!  So is my sacrifice money and a successful business? Or is my ambition goals maybe much smaller in the grand scheme of things?

Sealife Centre

Being able to comfort a poorly child, being able to be a mum – these are my priorities.
Who knows maybe one day we will be rich – but for now I’m contented to be happy and proud.

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  1. December 4, 2013 / 1:22 pm

    I don’t have a small business but I am guessing envy is a good thing. Does is not make you more driven to adapt and improve your own business to make it better?
    Work life balance is a tough one whether you are employed it self employed in general!
    Kara recently posted..My Perfect Christmas DayMy Profile

  2. Jonathan Kruger
    February 2, 2021 / 6:17 am

    I get that, running a business while having a family can be incredibly hard! But, nothing worth it is easy, right? I think it sort of adds to the success of it all. Knowing that you can tell everyone that you made it WHILE juggling everything that you are, is amazing!
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