How To Promote An Upcoming Event

Event promotion is a vital part of managing any business event. You need people to show up and engage with the event for it to be a success. Preparation can help you advertise tickets, get people to the venue and make your business event a night to remember. Make sure to plan the event thoroughly, organise every detail, promote it well and, of course, actually host the event. Keep the momentum up until all of your tickets have sold out and the guests arrive!

It would help if you aimed to get a public figure, like a celebrity or industry leader, to the event. However, if you are operating on the smaller side of the industry, this might not be possible.

Here are a few tips on how to promote your upcoming event. 

event planning with one event

Get stand out posters designed and place them in relevant public spaces

Before you tackle the digital side of promoting events, you need to secure a well-designed poster with eye-catching graphics and a strong call to action. Use a poster printing service to print your design in bulk and pin them up in the appropriate public spaces.

Make sure to grab a digital copy of the poster so you can post it on your social media platforms. 

Run competitions and giveaways associated with the event

Run competitions on your social media channels, encouraging potential guests to submit photos and videos on a relevant topic. If they win, they can get free tickets, drink vouchers, and freebies. 

Make it an easy process to buy a ticket

Use a third party ticket platform to sell all of your event tickets under the same profile. Customers can flick between events and might buy multiple tickets. You should also have a call to action post on your social media platforms advertising tickets sold on your website. 

Utilise social media platforms by posting regularly

Identify which social channels are suitable for your audience and utilise them. Create an event hashtag and add it to all of your social posts, posters and marketing channels. However, do not use more than two hashtags in a tweet, as this can result in 32% less engagement. 

Go where your audience is and join conversations on social media about business networking events. Promote yours, network with other business leaders and ask them for tips on how to market an event!

Make sure to research SEO and apply it to your blog posts and websites. SEO is a straightforward concept that can help people find your event online.

Make a dedicated event page to build up momentum and excitement for the event. Facebook pages are a great option for this.

Use sponsored adds on social media to target relevant audiences through influencer marketing. If you are working with any influencers, ask them to use your hashtag as well to encourage their followers to come to your page. How To Promote An Upcoming Event

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