M O T I V A T I O N that’s what you need …. RUNNERS UP!

WOW! If you follow my fanpage then you will know all about the dilemma I found myself in!! Fabulous entries into the M O T I V A T I O N that’s what you need competition and after 4 people judged them we had no clear winner! Thankfully I called in another judge and a winner was found!!

Before I announce and post the winner here are the 3 runners up ….

Boy Wonder Gifts
That’s SEW Laura

It was SOOO hard to decide and you all did so well that I am offering all 3 of you a 30 minute telephone mentoring session as a ‘runner up prize’. Email me info@charliemoos.co.uk to claim it 🙂

Please do go and check out al the entries if you haven’t already!!

I will write a proper post in the next few weeks about what motivates me but until then here is an image that sums it up aptly.

This is my son Charlie Moo the morning after I won Dorset Business Mum of the Year 2010 – he was so excited and still now 18 months later believes that this is ‘our family’ award.  And to be honest he’s spot on! When you spend the day with people you love and who love you it makes it a lot easier to sit up until midnight writing or sewing. My family mean the world to me, the joy and pride they shower me with when I reach my goals is enough to motivate me to keep going.

I also wanted to share this with you that I have taken from That’s SEW Laura’s post as it seems very fitting.

“The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams” by Eleanor Roosevelt.

Found this useful wondering how you can show me your appreciation? Well, there are some ways you can say thanks and support my website: ➡

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