5 takeaway tips from Mumsnet Workfest

On Saturday I packed myself up and got a very early train to London for Mumsnet Workfest 2015. I’m not sure really what I thought I’d gain from the event as a) I run my own business and aren’t actively seeking employment and b) I run my own business and aren’t looking to start one up. However I left feeling inspired, motivated and hungry to take over the world (and also very tired! 6:00am left home 9pm arrived back!). So huge thank you to Sage UK for inviting me to attend!

I really enjoyed the panel sessions – it’s always great to have a topic involving 3 different people as you get such a variety in information.  I talk a lot about tunnel vision, social media is great for networking but it can make you feel like you aren’t doing something right if other businesses are always leaps and bounds ahead of you. Well think about this it took Mumsnet 6 years to start making any money! 6 years!

My favourite session was all about LinkedIn. It is so much more than a shoddy half hearted profile! I loved too that this session wasn’t taken by a so called “LinkedIn Guru” but actually a LinkedIn employee! How awesome! When Sally started to go through the very basic parts of the profile I thought argh how dull BUT I was so wrong! I really had no clue when it came to LinkedIn. Blog post to follow!

Are you at #workfest today? We’d love to see your photos and hear about your day so far.

A photo posted by Mumsnet Towers (@mumsnettowers) on

Here are 5 key things that anyone can put into practice now!

  1. A great head-shot is really important on LinkedIn, so no photos of children, logos or sunny beaches. A clear, non fussy background will attract 14x more views.
  2. Stella and Dot’s first batch of UK launch orders went out in triplicate! Triplicate! They turned this mess into their best ever campaign by asking the customers not to keep the 2 extra products but to pay them forward. Genius!  Set backs are just a state of mind, learn from them and move forward.
  3. Group your followers – sometimes it can be hard to see the wood for the trees on social media so group everyone. On Google+ put everyone in circles, LinkedIn tag everyone’s profile with a keyword, Twitter put everyone in lists.  This way you can target the content you push out and the content you read, so if I only want to see “mummy bloggers” today I can easily find them on any platform!
  4. Mumpreneur is a dirty word. Guardian Writer Harriet Minter is not a fan of the phrase mumpreneur (so don’t use it in any of your Guardian Press Releases #fact!)  and talked about an article referring to “lipstick entrepreneurs” “fempreneurs” and the need to feminise things. We are entrepreneurs. Use it. Own it!
  5. Annabel Karmel talked about mentors, finding someone who you can talk to and Michelle Mone looked at being your own driving force. I think the key point here is to surround yourself with people who can help move you forward in terms of bouncing off ideas, but ultimately you have to make yourself accountable to achieving your goals and physically writing them down.

I felt truely inspired and motivated. I have felt a slight dip in my progression this past year but I have the “fire in my belly” to move forward and reach my goals. I’m sure I’ve missed some even more top tips from Mumsnet Workfest so if you went do let me know!

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