Google+ Tips for Beginners

I’m still getting to grips with Google+ but here are a few things I have learnt so far.


  1. Fill in your profile completely – make sure you link all social media platforms and any google products (You Tube, Blogger etc .. the views total is made up using this too so if you have a blogger blog you can score really high in comparison to us wordpress users). Google+ profiles allow you to add links to practically anywhere I have an amazon link to my book “Crafting a Successful Small Business” on mine.
  2. Follow people and put them into “circles“. This is a great way to share relevant information with one set of followers, unlike normal social media where you share to your masses. For example if you have a great post for bloggers you can share to just that circle. Something Dorset based I share  to my Dorset Small Businesses circle.
  3. Join communities – there are lots of communities out there and share relevant content into these groups. Also take time to network and G+/share others content too.
  4. Drip feed content – when you share stuff into different communities it still appears on your main feed. Which can be really off putting to readers when they open your profile and see the same post 26 times. Be sporadic and for every piece of your own content you share G+/share another from someone else.
  5. Use hashtags – adding hashtags to your updates and when you share content is a great way to get it seen. I also spend time looking, reading, G+/sharing content which has used similar hashtags to me. Google+ is also really good at suggesting hashtags as you start typing.
  6. Syndication – just like with twitter and facebook syndicate your blog posts to publish live onto your Google+ profile. You can always go back later and reshare or edit with appropriate hashtags tag certain people etc.
  7. G+ buttons – make sure your content has a G+ button on so others can share your content just like with Facebook and Twitter.

In September 2014 when I first started looking at my Google+ profile I had 7K in views now I have 33K just by using it consistently and ensuring that I’m social – it’s not all about you and your content.

Do you have any Google+ tips to share? What do you find works best?

Do pop over and follow me on Google+ and add me to one of your circles.

*contains an affiliate link*

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