Don’t Forget These Things When Planning Your Next Craft Fair

As we rapidly head towards the most wonderful time of the year, planning for fetes and craft fairs are well underway.  We’ve looked before at 10 things to think about before selling at craft fairs from insurance, to venue location, to stock you’ll be taking there can be a lot to think about. However, there are always a few little things we forget that can actually make a big difference.

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Prepare for EVERYTHING : 

How many times have you got to a venue and found there aren’t enough chairs? Or refreshments are really expensive? Or your car is iced over and you can’t find an ice scraper, suddenly a well planned out day can get derailed.  I’m always late. Even when I plan to leave earlier I always end up being later but a couple of time management tips can soon make things run a lot smoother.

It might be the last thing on your mind but here are a few suggestions to save you time and money when planning for events.

  • Winter Car Kits : Buy Ice Scrapers online available at don’t forget deicer too and consider putting warm blankets, drinks and snacks in the boot in case you do break down.  Don’t forget as the nights draw in you could actually be deicing cars at the end of events as well as the beginning a proper kit is paramount.
  • Money : It’s a good habit and excellent time management to always have loose change in your car for parking. I’ve lost count of the number of times I’ve had to stop somewhere and get cash out then buy a bottle of water because I simply was unprepared.
  • Extra Table and Chairs : You may find you don’t need them but it’s always best to have a table and chair readily available in your craft fair kit just in case for whatever reason the venue isn’t fully equipped.
  • Packed Lunch : Save yourself your hard-earned cash by bringing along a packed lunch and drinks.  It’s also handy when doing events solo as you may not be able to leave your stall to get something to eat.
  • Take Something To Do : It might be a craft project you are working on could be scheduling social media, or taking photos of your stock exhibited. Anything that keeps you busy, plus you will find customers will engage with you and ask questions if you are “doing” something. It’s a twofer, you get to utilise the time out of your business as well as selling products/increasing brand awareness.

Do you regularly do events? What top tips do you have that people may forget?

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