4 Things To Do When Travelling For Business If You Have Children

Sadly I do not get to travel much in my business, well not as much as I would like to.  This is mainly because I’m the primary career for the children and my business, unlike David’s, core hours are term time in between school runs. But on the occasions I do swan off somewhere exotic like Newcastle, Bristol or London (travel brands out there I’m available for business travel to sunnier climates) there are a few things I make sure I have organised or put in place.

4 Things To Do Before Travelling For Business When You Have Children: 

Be Organised and Pack Light: 

Your first priority should always be your own business travel plans, flight details or train details, passports etc. If you’ll be producing content (like most social media influencers) you’ll need your conference kit, don’t forget chargers and a good old fashioned pen and paper.  It’s best not to take too much by sticking to hand luggage size and opt for a case with wheels so you can easily get about and don’t have loads of bags to think about. Especially handy if flying as you save time not waiting for your luggage.
business travel

A Family Schedule: 

Our weekly schedule is pretty much the same but you can guarantee if I didn’t remind people on a daily basis they wouldn’t get anywhere, eat or take regular baths. A schedule detailing who needs to be where and at what time (and who is taking them) is a necessity.  It also helps to pre-pack activity bags with the appropriate clothing, snacks and a drink, this reduces stress and helps keep things running smoothly.  Consistency is really helpful to children and limits the upheaval caused by a parent being away.

Keep In Touch: 

My dad was in the army and as a child, he was away a lot. I remember the excitement when a blue envelope hit the mat and we knew it was a letter from him. We could go weeks without talking to him but now with social media apps and mobile devices, it’s so much easier to stay in contact with people no matter where you are.  Whatsapp and Messenger both provide you with options to speak face to face which means your children can see where you are and engage with you in a more natural way.  Being in contact with your family makes it easier on the other parent and helps keep things running smoothly, in a way remote parenting.
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Enjoy Yourself: 

There’s really no point in going away if you spend the whole time worrying about what’s happening at home. Instead, enjoy yourself, take the time away to unwind, relax, have a long bath, catch up with friends/other delegates, read a book! All the things you want to do but lose your evenings to sewing badges on Scout’s uniforms and late night shopping for cabbage (this is my life). Leave the dreaded mum guilt behind. There is nothing wrong with you having a break nor is there anything wrong with leaving the children with Dad for a few days, don’t beat yourself up. Everyone benefits from a rested mum and it doesn’t hurt to remind everyone what your day actually entails and feel appreciated.

Do you travel frequently for business?

Do you have any top suggestions for mums in business or travel bloggers tips to ensure things run smoothly both for you on your travels and for your family back at home?

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1 Comment

  1. February 12, 2019 / 12:51 pm

    Many people enjoy travelling and will always do so at any available opportunity. Some people travel often because it is part of their job requirements. There are those who rarely travel but will gladly do so once in awhile especially during vacations.