Trending Hashtags – Facebook Tips

The streamlining of major social media platform tools began with the @ tag option. Created by Twitter it is now used daily on Facebook and Instagram in order to make the person/business name highlighted and clickable. Its a perfect resource to drive traffic to other people/pages but also allows that person/business to know that you are talking to them or about them.

Hashtags # have been common place on Twitter and Instagram and are still slowly shifting over to Facebook – some people/businesses are better at using/remembering to use than others – but with # comes trending!  I noticed the other day I now have a trending feature on my personal home page.  (this feature isn’t available on all profiles yet – but you will see it in the top right hand corner )

trending feature facebook

You may also have noticed in your home feed that next to some hashtags it tells you how many times this appears on Facebook. If you then click on the hashtag you can view every comment made – such an awesome search tool! So example below #phone has been used 87,280 just imagine if that was how many time #charliemoos had been used!!


Do you have specific hashtags for your business that you use regularly? If not why not? Take 5 minutes now to write a list of the searcj keywords you’d expect or like customers to find you via and write 10/15 on a post it note. Pop the post it note near your computer screen and try a couple in your next social media update.


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