From Mumchic to Business Owner

One of the key aspects to increased productivity when working from home is getting dressed. Fact. Getting dressed changes your mindset and sets you up mentally as going to work. As I have my children to take to school I have no choice but to get up and dressed (no PJ school run here!) but my work wear, day wear, weekend wear is pretty much the standard jeans and a t-shirt. This means I have a very limited wardrobe and I struggle to find something to wear for events, meeting and speaking engagements.

When it comes to bags I carefully selected my unique black satchel in order for it to work well with Mumchic (you know wet wipes, suncream, loads of snacks!) alongside using for business purposes. It’s large enough to house my iPad, phone, diary and pencil case (how cool am I!) as well as my personal items. But I still find I’ve nothing to wear!

If you want to convey a professionalism then you need to dress like that. Again clothing affects your mental attitude. The problem for me is comfort. I am not comfortable in a suit plus I think it’s a little stuffy and doesn’t convey the right message about me on a whole. Therefore I feel uncomfortable, which impedes on your confidence.  I suppose I could smarten trousers or a skirt up with a blouse or shirt and then chuck on a cardie for comfort. OMG! Never ending circle of doom! Daddy Moo would suggest this is one of those many times I totally over think everything, but seriously if you don’t feel right, you just don’t feel right!

Last week I had not one but two days out of the office …… get me such a social butterfly! Monday I ventured to Lemur Linkup the monthly networking group I co-host in Poole so I will admit I wore my old faithfuls, you guessed it jeans and a t-shirt.  However on Thursday I made the trek to London for the Sage Business Experts meet up at The Shard (can I get an oooooo).

I really didn’t take that many photos (which is so unlike me!) however here’s a snap of myself and Amanda from  (My roots need doing badly!).

amanda and joanne sage business experts

There is an amazing range of sweaters and jumpers from JOY which Daddy Moo is super chuffed about as I’ve been wearing his jumpers since March (get your own!). I decided to really step out of my comfort zone with this mustard number.  Mustard is bang on trend this Autumn and I teamed it up with a black and white striped skirt, leggings, brown boots and my black leather satchel.  Of course the only place to take a full on selfie is in the Shard loo! (I ooze business chic)

Do you struggle to make the transition from mumchic to business owner when it comes to fashion? Do you care? I tend to worry a lot about what people think, I’d love to be like Daddy Moo and uninterested by others opinions.

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  1. September 27, 2016 / 2:21 pm

    Really interesting read!

  2. September 27, 2016 / 8:55 pm

    Love your outfit! I do get a bit lazy when it comes to dressing up in the day, but I have no where to go special, not even school now my daughter is at big school!! I need a fun job to get me motivated again 🙂

    • September 28, 2016 / 8:28 am

      It is so easily done! I sometimes think I wear the same thing everyday (although I probably do!)

  3. September 28, 2016 / 4:05 am

    I love the opportunity to get dressed up but sadly it doesn’t happen often enough. Being a childminder, I tend to stick to jeans and a t-shirt

  4. September 28, 2016 / 2:06 pm

    I often think people have an idea in their head of what being ‘dressed up’ means and for me it is how well you do the outfit rather than what it is you are wearing x
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  5. September 28, 2016 / 3:10 pm

    You are so right about getting what you wear right. I wish I was better at it, but often after getting the kids sorted etc I don’t have the time to put the effort in. A few key pieces like that mustard jumper would work a treat for me

  6. October 2, 2016 / 7:51 pm

    You look great, I really struggle with clothes. I think if I made more of an effort on a daily basis I would be much more effective!
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