What Coronavirus Taught Small Business About Remote Working

What is remote working? Remote working is literally being able to complete your work without having to commute into an office. Whilst it isn’t fancy as it sounds, because you are just working from home – remote working sounds way cooler. Your employees might need extra support, equipment (not all employees will have office furniture at home) or super-fast internet and resources available to be able to undertake their roles remotely.


Something beautiful happened during Coronavirus and lockdown, many businesses realised that they could actually operate with some or all of their staff remote working.  We freelancers/homeworkers, work from home mainly due to financial reasons and practicalities, owning an office space wouldn’t work for me.  But if you are already a business with office space it can be a massive mind shift to enable your employees to work from home.
Then lockdown happened, for many businesses it was do or die, procedures had to be put in place to enable employees to work from home, from business IT support in London providing remote IT services to being able to access client documentation via cloud services and 50 billion Zoom meetings to support staff working from home.

Pros of Remote Working: 

I personally think that everyone should have the opportunity to remote work in some capacity as it provides employees with a better work/life balance and ultimately increases happiness. Happy employees should be paramount as they are;

  • More productive
  • Perform better
  • More engaged
  • Better employee retention
  • Your business has increased profitability

4 Ways To Get The Most Out Being A Remote Workers: 

  1. Create a designated workspace: It’s like rule number 1 of working from home. You can’t possibly be productive from a space that you need to clear every day. As much as we try we do need to keep things out and prepared for the next day. Having a specific space also means you get that gone-to-work feeling, your family knows you are at work AND if you are lucky enough to have a separate room you can shut the door at the end of your working day, there is a clear distinction between work and home life. While creating this workspace, you may also wish to consider your internet, and whether it will be able to cope with the amount you will be using it. If you don’t feel like it will, you may wish to check out alternative packages and providers, such as starlink internet, to see if you could upgrade to a faster connection ready for your new remote working life.
  2. Have a schedule: For the first few weeks of lockdown I was flip flopping all over the place, trying to homeschool, work, clean, parent and have 5 minutes to myself. Once I set myself (and the children) a schedule things started to slip into a “better” routine.  You can’t possibly do everything at the same time, by having a schedule you know when your working hours are, the children know theirs and you
  3. To do list: Make a list. I aim to get 3 things done each day.  Your list helps keep you on track, motivates you and increases productivity. It doesn’t need to be super fancy a list of bullet points will do but if you do need something a little more aesthetically pleasing then download one FREE here – Things To Do List
  4. NETWORK: Obviously face to face networking has changed but there are still lots of ways in which you can network with others, Coronavirus has been sponsored by Zoom meetings! Being around and interacting with others helps For more networking suggestions read my article on Woman Ready, 5 Ways To Continue Business Networking During Coronavirus. 

Have you been remote working during Coronavirus? What top tips do you have for making it run smoothly and efficiently? Phaha mine is neither smooth nor efficient but it works and we are all ticking things off the to-do list.

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