Be aware of Ransomware

Wowzers it’s been the week for hacks. No seriously lots of my blogger friends have experienced the dread that is having your site hacked. That sickening feeling in the pit of your stomach, and the overwhelming sense of doom as you are not quite sure how to sort it out.  Luckily in most cases it’s simple to fix and before you know it your passwords have changed and you are back on track. However have you ever heard of Ransomware?

What is Ransomware?

Ransomware is a form of malware, or malicious software used to disrupt a computer. Ransomware has seen a resurgence in the past year, affecting businesses across the UK – around 54% of British businesses have experienced a Ransomware attach. Once the Ransomware enters a system, it locks down the user’s files, which can only then be decrypted with a key that the cybercriminal will supposedly supply after receiving the ransom. However even if a ransom is paid, there is no guarantee the user will get their files back.  Sad times.  What would you do pay the ransom or not?  37% of businesses last year under Ransonware attack did.

How can I prevent being attacked by Ransomware?

Be wary of suspicious looking emails. If they give you cause for concern delete them, never click on any links. Regularly back up all your data using cloud resources such as Dropbox. Finally invest in Ransomware specific anti virus software, enabling complete security from the network to the endpoint giving you peace of mind.

06735 - TSG - Ransomware Infographic (1)

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  1. February 10, 2017 / 7:47 pm

    Eek, it’s so scary that you work really hard and then there’s people out there that take pleasure in destroying your business! I normally delete any funny looking emails or I’ll google the address o check. Look after your businesses everyone. 🙂