Penning a Career as a Freelance Writer

Writing a blog regularly is an excellent way to establish yourself as a freelance writer. It gives you content in which to direct potential customers too. Here are some suggestions on how to turn your blogging skills in to a professional business.

penning a freelance writing career

  1. Writing copy for other small businesses – many small businesses will understand the need/desire to have a blog but will ultimately have very little time to invest in one.
  2. Pitch, pitch, pitch …. Sally Whittle – founder of Tots100 and freelance writer, gives a timely reminder that you can’t sit and wait for work to fall in your lap (although that would be epic) you have to be continuously pitching.
  3. Local Magazines – I wrote a couple of articles for Raring2Go! Bournemouth and Poole for free and now I’m paid to write an article or 2 each quarter.  Find out who your local magazines are and pitch them an idea after a few freebies see if they will pay you to continue. It’s also an excellent way of building up a portfolio of writing work.
  4. Gumtree – not just for selling your junk! There is a job section (it’s free to list) and occasionally writing jobs will pop up!
  5. Reading blogs/online magazines you like – check out whether they have a “write for us” page.
  6. Mail ShotAfter becoming self employed that I decided to market my blog to PR’s and Brands via a mail shot which secured some contract work – Jaime Oliver Try to keep it brief, introduce yourself, blog, achievements, and what subjects you enjoy writing about. Many PR’s/brands don’t have the time to research new bloggers and stick within the pool of a few hundred or so that they have. By introducing yourself and where you live, what you’re passionate about you are more likely to be added to their databases.
  7. Keep a portfolio – I have a published articles page where I detail (although I need to be better at updating!) content and back links to them.  If its in a physical magazine ask the editor for the pdf so that you can both use the content on your website/Facebook page and also print off to form a physical portfolio.
  8. People Per Hour – set up a profile and either pitch for jobs or offer your services. Make sure though that you have carefully thought out your pricing as some students use PPH and charge very little in order to build up a portfolio.
  9. Yahoo Contributor Network – You can claim assignments and pitch ones to the team. Published content can sometimes have a fee paid but all content is subject to pay per click. The frequency can be a bit hit and miss but I have content from 2012 that I’m still earning cash from. (ceased assignments in August 2014)

Are you a freelance writer? Have any tips to share? Why not pop along to Facebook and join in the conversation.

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  1. April 22, 2014 / 6:55 am

    This sounds good. I have started to write my blog more often again now and although I dont think that many people read it (!) I’m getting to enjoy writing it more, so I’ll continue writing and will keep this in mind. Thanks for another good idea! X

  2. April 23, 2014 / 11:18 am

    That’s very timely advice for me! I’m just starting out as a freelance writer and it all seems very daunting at the moment, but I’ve already had great support and lots of advice from fellow bloggers which is really helping 🙂

    • April 23, 2014 / 11:57 am

      Glad you have found it helpful 🙂 Good Luck x

  3. April 25, 2014 / 1:55 pm

    Great post!
    One thing I remembered as I started reading this was Copify – it’s a great place to get paid for bits and bobs, but also to build up experience of writing 500 words quickly on something you previously knew little about!

    Also I’ve been doing a free course on Udemy for writers, which has helped me to… well, just write better I suppose! Anything where you can practise your writing is good!

    • May 1, 2014 / 9:20 pm

      Thanks lovely great advice will check out Copify.

  4. Kerrie Peacock
    April 30, 2014 / 1:03 am

    Great post! I started out freelancing as a way to improve my writing skills and to make some extra money, but before I knew it I had a full career from it!