Helping Your Child Deal With Exam Stress

In today’s day and age, exams are inevitable when it comes to education. They are often a source of stress as well as the pressure of doing well for the future falls heavily on their shoulders. Post pandemic, the pressure has only risen as individuals dealt with 2 years of academic disruption. So, the question is, how can parents help their children when it comes to exam stress? From better routines to helping with preparation, here are a few ways to help your child deal with the stress.

Helping Your Child Deal With Exam Stress

Helping Your Child Deal With Exam Stress:

  1. It begins by allowing your child to voice their concerns. Understanding how your child feels is vital and that the feelings of worry are normal at this time. Encourage them to always be open with how they feel no matter what it is. Reassurance is key when it comes to reducing stress so ensure they know that they are supported no matter what. 
  2. Help them prepare for exams. Studying, revising and keeping on top of life at the same time can be a huge burden on a child. This can lead to them feeling burnt out which can affect the quality of their studies. By helping them with some of the smaller tasks, you may be able to keep their stress levels low. Create a timetable together to help with organisation as this will ensure that your child doesn’t cram in any studies and allows them to plan out their weeks. This will reduce anxiety and increase confidence that the workload is manageable. 
  3. Figure out what kind of learner your child is. If your child is a visual learner. You can help them find revision techniques that work best for them such as flashcards and mind maps. Auditory learners require a different method such as audiobooks and listening to explanations out loud so finding the correct learning method will make all the difference.
  4. Ensure your child has a distraction free area to get their work done in. A library or even somewhere at home away from excessive amounts of noise or distractions such as phones and tv’s is great. 
  5. Encourage a healthy daily routine. Ensure your child gets up at a good time and starts their day with a nutritious breakfast. This will be the fuel for their day. Eating the wrong foods will only lead them to crash mid-morning and feel lethargic. Sleeping well is also very important. Some students may spend their night revising but it is better they put their books away and save it for the morning. Relaxation techniques such as breathing or even yoga are good ways to help your child ground themselves and stop them from feeling consumed in stress. 

Be positive. Let your child know that you are proud of them for their hard work. Planning activities or holidays after exams can be great motivators and help them persevere.

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