My CyberMummy Experience by Erica Martyn Part 2

Following on from my last post about why I wanted to go to Cybermummy and my blogging experience. Next we listened to business blogger Debbie from MotivatingMumUK who has created amazing success in just a year from blogging…she now has a book on Amazon, however not much else stood out about what she spoke about!

Karen Cannard was next to take the stand and spoke all about how to market your blog off air… this was really interesting as it’s not something I had really thought of in terms of the blog itself.  As far as marketing in general goes I am familiar with many ways to market yourself however had never thought of these to market the blog itself.  Karen’s key points included:

  • Get your blog mentioned on-air (so on your local radio station)
  • Identify key theme (UPS – unique selling point)
  • Use Facebook to interact directly – which is surely on-line marketing? (Besides I had learnt this already from Joanne’s workshop!)
  • Get on the speaking circuit and
  • Attended conferences and award nights to network – use business cards and wear a distinctive accessory so that people notice you!

All good advice, however I’m not sure how radio stations take to mums trying to plus their blogs/business on air??? If anyone has done this I’d be interested to know how you approached this and what your key subjects were?

A couple of other key points from this workshop included:

  • Comment on other people’s blogs to build up a community
  • However BE GENUINE and comment only about a post that you are interested in and have something to say about it!
  • Connecting with people on Facebook and Twiiter
  • Apparently video blogging in the next big thing…especially using You Tube – not sure again how the regular business mum can utilise this though?

There was so much to take in that we could have really done with handouts! This is my biggest bugbear of the whole day…although we were kindly supplied with notepads, handouts would have been great to use in refection!


Check back tommorow for the third part of my cybermummy experience.

Personal Blog: ‘My Precious Little World’

My Business:
Facebook Page: /

Twitter: @ericamartyn




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  1. July 2, 2011 / 11:25 am

    Hi Erica, Thank you so much for the mention. Must admit I’ve been distracted by Odds & Soxlets and the Joanne Dewberry site, before getting around to leaving a comment.

    What an incredibly busy event Cybermummy. With all the sessions taking place, I am sending oodles of thanks your way for coming along to the Marketing one.

    On the subject of radio, you’ve got such an interesting business to talk about and I could see it working from a number of angles. If you were only local to me I know just the kind of show that would be perfect for Odds & Soxlets. If you’d like to venture into testing out the water on your local radio station though, do drop me a line as I’d be happy to send over a few more pointers. There are a number of ways where you can get your story featured or have your site mentioned, without it deemed as advertising.

    For example, in Suffolk there is a weekly feature called “Made in Suffolk”, which carries interviews with people about their business, how the they got into it and other fascinating aspects of their life and lifestyle.

    Regarding the handouts I know what you mean. However I’m finding the live blogging notes are useful in their absence. Have you seen the one for The Marketing Workshop over at

    LOL, that was much longer than the quick ‘hello’ that I’d planned. Hope to bump into you at next year’s Cybermummy and if I can be of help, do give me a shout.


  2. Joanne
    July 2, 2011 / 7:20 pm

    Thank you for the lovely comment Karen have passed it on to Erica. Thanks for the link too have been having a read myself at what I missed!