A Day in the life of …. Lolly and Boo

I’m surprised that I can’t actually juggle as I seem to do a fair amount of it since I began my little business, Lolly & Boo.  To add to my fairly hectic life with my husband, Charlie, and our two gorgeous girls (Olivia age 4 and Alice now 9 months), at the start of the year I began making pictures.  I had already said that if I ever started making things I would name the business after the girls’ nicknames and after an inspiring chat with my cousin at Christmas I got started.  What was once a “I’ll make a couple for the girls and maybe a few for presents but I don’t want to be making them every night” has grown into a mini enterprise!  The first time someone actually paid money for something I had made was very exciting and satisfying.  You see when I’m not on maternity leave I’m also a lawyer.  Lolly & Boo and law don’t exactly go hand in hand.

The majority of my time is of course spent chasing my girls around and during the day I try to fit in the admin side of what I do.  I am still surprised how much time that does take up between buying supplies, dealing with orders and trying to spread the word about Lolly & Boo.  The hardest part is persuading retailers to take your products, although I’ve quickly learned not to be offended if they don’t like or “get” what I do!  I also attend a few craft fairs and the preparation for those is huge – it doesn’t matter if you are going to sell out (I wish) or sell nothing, you’ve still got to have a full stall!

The creative side doesn’t take over until after the girls are in bed.  So usually, after supper, I start making pictures sat on the sitting room floor.  I would love a dedicated corner of the house but then I would never see Charlie and there’s nothing like having a pile of crafty stuff in every room!  As well as a bit of creative direction if one of my rows of hearts is going wonky, Charlie has become the dispatch team and is now a dab hand at making up boxes last thing at night!

The response I’ve had to my pictures is amazing.  It is so satisfying having something that is all mine, even if it is still in its infancy.  It is hard work combining Lolly & Boo with everything else in my life but I’m just one of those people who has to fill every minute I think.  The ironing doesn’t get done very often but life’s too short to worry about creases.

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  1. Pingback: Twitted by CharlieMoos
  2. Lyn Blackledge
    August 4, 2010 / 1:55 pm

    I just buy not create items these days!!!    Glad it is going well for you.

  3. Lucy
    August 4, 2010 / 6:19 pm

    I have found a kindred spirit. I know what it’s like to have to fill all your time. Beautiful art keep it going even when you have to go back to work.

  4. emma mcdougall
    August 4, 2010 / 7:38 pm

    Loving the post and especially love the “life is too short to worry about creases” statement, that sums up my life (and ironing pile) too.

  5. February 4, 2012 / 2:43 am

    I ran across your site on accident but we have someting interesting in common. I, too, have a daughter named Olivia. My other daughter is nicknamed Boo. And we share the same last name. How strange is that?