Boy Wonder and other start up stories …

Hi, I’m Nikki. As mum to 1 boy and 1 girl, I know how easy it is to shop for all things pink and sparkly for girls, yet how difficult it can be to shop for boys.

‘Lovely Daughter’… ‘Princess’ … ‘Gorgeous Grandaughter’ … It’s easy to find gifts for girls of all ages carrying these kind of sentiments but trying to buy gifts with similar, loving sentiments for boys is not as easy.

My friends & family have always found shopping for boys difficult too and I often wondered about setting up a website offering gifts just for boys.

A few years ago, me and my 2 luvlies had a brain storming session about what we could call mum’s business and decided on ‘Boy Wonder’. However, the idea of running a business was too scary and I did nothing about it for the next few years.

In 2009, after another disappointing shopping trip not being able to find the birthday gift I wanted for my son, I decided to look into what setting up a business would involve.

I begun to look at wholesale companies to see what items I could find to stock and decided that to keep costs down I would build my own website.

I took every available opportunity to learn and took advantage of free business courses. I joined a Mumpreneur networking group which was great for making contacts, finding inspiration, getting feedback on my ideas and meeting mums who were already running their own business.

I wrote everything down! Even if it didn’t apply to me at the time, I’ve needed it somewhere down the line! I kept track of things I wanted to do each week and I started a business plan so I could plan where I was going. launched in September 2010 and in July this year, I relaunched the website with a new look and new logo. I started my blog ‘Wonder Mum’ and I write ‘Party Tips for Successful Children’s Parties’.

I love working from home and the biggest benefit for me is being able to be around for my kids.

Find us on Facebook.

Boy Wonder Gifts will soon be having a Christmas Shopping Special so you can Xmas shop for your own ‘boy wonders‘! Keep an eye on the website for the special Christmas discount code.


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