Can I make a regular income passively? Amazon Affiliates

british-moneyI’ve written about passive income before and do a few of the things on my lists. BUT this year I have decided to make more of an active effort to increase my income passively.  And that’s probably key you need to put the work in to get the reward.

Amazon Affiliates

I signed up for this years ago as a way to add banners onto this website until I sold the advertising spaces. However I am constantly checking the Amazon Bestseller Rank for Crafting a Successful Small Business and I normally tweet/share via the on page facility. *Lightbulb moment* I suddenly thought maybe I should share via my affiliate link. This is what I did a few times over December. My commission went from £0 to £0.40 (commission on the kindle book sales of 99p is 5p – not massive but for a link I’m already sharing workable).  Since the 1st January I have been sharing the kindle link every day via twitter and twice on Facebook (both my business and personal page) so not a huge amount not intrusive or annoyingly sales like to my audience. I also didn’t take into account that once on Amazon via my link any sales made not just on my book would earn commission. Would appear especially kindle readers are buying a couple of books at a time today (5th January) the commission count is up to £0.85 OK so not even a £1 yet BUT this is still super small scale.

Next steps : –

  1. I have been changing all the links on this site referring to Crafting a Successful Small Business to my Amazon link.
  2. Also redirect the link on my email signature to Amazon
  3. Add an Amazon widget to the side bar
  4. Tweet once a day the link to Crafting a Successful Small Business daily using relevant # (#craftingpb #smallbiz #startup #craftblogclub #dorsethour #kindle) and to save time schedule them in using TwitterTwitter.

I will report back at the end of the month if these small steps (which will take about an hour to put into place) “pay” off – excuse the pun!

In the meantime sign up to Amazon and maybe add a few affiliate links to your site/tweet some products you like.

Found this useful wondering how you can show me your appreciation? Well, there are some ways you can say thanks and support my website: ➡

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  1. January 6, 2014 / 11:57 am

    I am launching an affiliate programme later this year (it’s being tested right now) with 40% commission. Anyone who’s interested email me at rosie AT
    Rosie @1manbandaccts recently posted..Can I do my own tax return?My Profile

    • January 6, 2014 / 3:58 pm

      Sounds awesome Rosie definitely count me in 🙂

  2. January 8, 2014 / 8:09 pm

    It’s definitely worth always using your book’s affiliate link because as you say, quite a few people will click through and buy other things on Amazon besides your book. I think I’ve made more money at Amazon that way than from my own books! Not that I’ve made all that much, but every little helps.