Ultimate Blog Challenge 2013

Ultimate Blog Challenge

On the 1st January 2012 I decided to embark on a journey which can only have been called foolish πŸ˜‰ The Ultimate Blog Challenge to write 31 posts over the whole of January. I did it and actually learnt a lot about my blog along the way. I used to blog 3 times a week and to be honest that became a bit hard to maintain, with children and Charlie Moo’s . I now try to be consistent and blog once a week which means I only have to schedule in 4 posts over a month which is much more sustainable.

Before the summer holidays I was really pleased with the stats on this blog, the majority of the traffic comes from google searches and I really believe there is some great content and resources on this site for small businesses. BUT just like everyone else I have been hit by the summer holiday slump and most of that due to 1) the fantastic weather meaning less people reading blogs 2) the fantastic weather meaning less blog writing from me!

So when the Ultimate Blog Challenge link dropped into my inbox for October I thought why not give it a go again. Β It’s a bit of a tall order considering we are away this weekend and it’s my birthday and it’s half term in October!! But you have to be in it to win it (although I must stress there are no actual prizes from the organisers but feel free to send me wine and inspiration!) Β … I’m hoping to use this month to do 2 things :-

  1. Actually tick off all the blog ideas on my to do list and finish up the drafted pieces from months ago.
  2. And double my current daily visits.

So wish me luck πŸ™‚

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  1. Stephanie Pawley
    October 1, 2013 / 9:48 am

    I just wanted to say that I also did an easy post to start off with. I joined to get back in the habit. I wish I had a list of blog ideas. Although, I did do the A to Z blog challenge in April and all of my posts were about phobias.
    Stephanie Pawley recently posted..Ultimate blog challenge~Why Do i Blog?My Profile

  2. Adelien
    October 1, 2013 / 10:50 am

    I also decided to follow the UBC. Just take it. I never think how the result will be πŸ™‚
    Nice to see you. I meet this post in twitter.
    Adelien recently posted..Sunshine Award – My First Blogging AwardMy Profile