Is video the future of content marketing?

Over the past few years we have seen a steady increase in the rise of vloggers. People who make a living from videos posted on their YouTube channel, from computer gamers to make up tutorial there seems to be room for everyone. Did you know that YouTube receives more than a billion viewers per month!? Who wouldn’t want a slice of this action? More and more UK Small Businesses are beginning to see and understand the power of online advertising and the growth of video content.

Here are 4 reasons why you should be creating video content for your small business.
  1. Video creates engage viewers : Video requires you to click and watch, unlike text which you can scan and just ignore completely.  A hit on your homepage doesn’t necessarily mean someone has interacted with the content.
  2. Viewers spend longer on your website : We all want to decrease our bounce rate and keep people on our site a lot longer and video is a great way to do that. The longer people spend on your website the more time the spend interacting with your brand.
  3. Content becomes more shareable : Who doesn’t enjoy sharing a good piece of content with their friends? Video is much more likely to go viral than written content.
  4. Video allows you to develop your brand personality : Unlike written content, video allows you to be much more human, likable and enables potential customers to relate to you. Behind the scene photography has a proven track record on Facebook and Instagram there is no reason you can’t replicate this using video content.

With technological advances there is no reason you can’t try creating, editing and posting videos from your smart phone or tablet. Using a platform such as Instagram or Vine you can upload short videos less than a minute long, Vine is literally 6 seconds, which give your customers a taste of your business.

If you are feeling inspired then here are 4 top tips for creating your own video content for your website :

  1. If you’re talking to camera then a tripod or joby stand are essential to stop camera shake. Kara (ChelseaMamma)
  2. LIGHTING – USE AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE. Turn on all lights in your home even in daylight. You don’t have to have professional lights but you need something. Katy (Hey Mummy TV)
  3. Check your surroundings make sure big piles or ironing etc are moved from view. Elaine (Canvas Pretty)
  4. Practice makes perfect! The more videos you do the better and more natural you will become.

Do you create video content? What top tips would you share with small businesses?

One Busy WAHM video

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Photo Credit | One Busy WAHM

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  1. Elaine Croft
    October 28, 2015 / 7:25 pm

    Thanks for sharing my tip. Great post, video marketing is so valuable to a business.
    Elaine Croft recently posted..CREATE A FLORAL PUMPKINMy Profile

  2. May 2, 2017 / 9:23 am

    Yes are whole heartily believe it is, hence why trying to get the hang of it now hehe