Stay On Track Schedule Your Social Media Using Mapper Cards™

Social Media scheduling should be something you engage with once a week or more ideally once a month. It is literally one of the best things you can do for your business as it’s one of the most simple but effective time management tools. By scheduling content for Facebook, your blog and/or populating your Twitter feed you keep your social media active whilst driving traffic to your blog/website, which in turn keeps things ticking over nicely.

Social media scheduling;

➡️ Frees up time ⏰
➡️ Frees up headspace 🤯
➡️ Keeps your content consistent
➡️ Work smarter, not harder

As a mum in business, social media scheduling is especially important during the school holidays, nobody wants to spend Half Term getting sucked into a social media black hole. Through scheduling, you stay active online which means you can spend a small amount of time (5/10 minutes a day) responding to comments/engagement and the majority of the time offline engaging with your children, having a break or in my case being a taxi driver!

Stay On Track Schedule Your Social Media Using Mapper Cards™

Stay On Track Schedule Your Social Media Using Mapper Cards™:

Imagine being able to visually map out your social media ideas using a manageable step-by-step approach. I have been testing out a set of cards designed to help with your social media planning. These cards give tips, ideas and a unique way of visually planning your social media for a month ahead. It’s a huge upgrade from a scrap of paper I usually use!

Mapper Cards™ are a unique system/toolkit which helps you to not only visualise your content but also consider aspects you might have forgotten about – calls to actions, and content visuals – I talk about streamlining your brand via visuals and branding but it can so easily be forgotten when you are in a hurry to post content as you haven’t planned ahead. If you take the time to plan and schedule your social media these points aren’t missed. Plus each date card has a daily checklist including lots of questions we probably don’t consider enough, like the time of day you will post. Meta Business Suite now provides you with the optimum posting times for the following 3 days for both Facebook and Instagram, use this data and do a deep dive of your insights to pick your optimal times instead of leaving it to chance.

How To Use Mapper Cards™ Effectively: 

Each pack contains 56 cards double-sided and filled with so much information, even for someone like me who schedules regularly it gave me things to think about and reminded me of content I’ve not posted in a while! The mini cards help plan out the types of posts including content awareness days.

Start by laying out the cards to create a view of your month (days across the top corresponding to the dates 1st-30th/31st underneath), and use the mini cards to provide prompts, enabling you to brainstorm and plan your month’s content. Flip over each card to use the other side as a visual planning tool, key prompts to consider and guidance to solve problems along the way.

Social Media Planning Using Mapper Cards™

What I loved;

  • Clear, concise information on each card.
  • That “AHHH” moment you get from reading the suggestions, followed by a scribbling of ideas.
  • Makes social media planning so much easier.
  • Whilst they are designed to be used in a certain way, there’s no reason that just reading through a couple of cards won’t get your creative juices flowing if you are short on space to lay them all out (if you are working from a cafe or maybe sat on a train).
  • It made me excited again about social media planning and what I wanted to share about my brand/business. I was definitely stuck in a social media rut!
  • The cards come in a box and are of excellent quality the mini cards are paper but they come with a bag to put them in and you can ask for a pdf version to print more if required.

Things to consider;

  • You need space to lay them out correctly.
  • You still need a notebook to write your ideas down.
  • You do still need to action your plans! All the ideas you have from the cards will need to be written down, typed up and scheduled. There’s no point doing this exercise once and month and then resorting back to not scheduling and creating off the cuff content.
  • The more you use the cards the better you will get, the first couple of times it can feel overwhelming as there are a lot of cards but once you lay them out add the content awareness days/special events in your business/life you’ll soon be flying through the planning.

Alongside Mapper Cards, you can pay to opt into the Creative Support Hub providing additional online content, accountability and support to keep you on track. Remember when you make yourself accountable to other people you will get more done! 65% more when you commit to another 95% more when you add regular meetings or catch-ups.

SAVE 25% on a pack of Mapper Cards™ using the discount code WVE7LYE

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