What Type of Office does You Company Need?

Every business is different, so has different needs. A business premises that is perfect for one firm could be a disaster for another.

Without a doubt, choosing the right office space for your company is important. It has a surprisingly big impact on how successful you are.

Locating yourself close to your customers, in an easily accessible area translates into more orders. Good transport links make it easier to recruit and retain the right staff. These factors are important for all kinds of firms, but there are other things to consider when choosing office space. Here we go through them one by one.

office spaces

Your budget

Perhaps the most important consideration is your budget. You need to be sure that you can afford to pay for your offices.

The last thing you need is to overstretch yourself and see all of your profits disappear in rent.  You have to be realistic about what you can afford and stick to your budget. As your firm grows and becomes more profitable, you will be able to afford more expensive and impressive business premises. For example, office space in St James or another prestigious area of a capital city.

The current needs of your business

You need office space that meets the current needs of your business. That means enough space for all of your staff and the facilities that they need.

If you know that most of your staff will have to use a car to get to work you need to make sure that there is somewhere for them to park. In addition, ask yourself if you need facilities like access to a meeting room or a reception area for clients and visitors.

Try not to compromise; if you think that you need those facilities make sure they are included in the lease deal. The last thing you need is to have to use meeting rooms in another office block. It is the type of hassle that no business needs.

Space to grow

It is also important to think about what your company will need as it grows. You do not want to have to move locations at a time when your business is taking off.
Moving from one area to another causes massive disruption and is very costly. Not to mention the fact that every time you move you run the risk of losing key staff because the move has made their commute too long or costly.

It is far better to be able to lease more space in the office block that you are currently located. Of course, this is not always possible because space in a building can fill up quickly, but if you are located in an area where there are plenty of other office buildings, at least you will not have to move far.

Easy access for your customers

You also need to make sure that it is easy for your customers to find your offices and get to them. That means looking for office space that is close to a good road or public transport network. How important this is depends on the type of business you run, but, for most firms, it is an important consideration.

Understanding the type of offices your company need is vital. Locating your business in the right premises will make a big difference to how easy it is to provide an excellent service and grow your business.

Other posts of interest :

5 Simple Solutions to Doubling Your Office Space

Benefit of an ergonomic office chair

Making Your Home Office Healthy


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1 Comment

  1. March 3, 2016 / 11:59 am

    You make some great points. You need space to grow, but there is always a trade-off with budget. The price of office space is quite expensive, so if you aren’t going to need the extra space for a year or two then it’s a hard sell to pay for it up front. You could see if you are allowed to sub-let and that way you could keep it full until you need it. But this is why so many people have to move offices and don’t really have a choice.
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