Perfect Pitches

Thanks to the lovely Cath Taylor from Sweetheart Knits for her tips on visual merchandising and creating a great display at fetes and fairs.  As the season is fastly approaching for summer fetes I hope you’ll find them useful.

  • Have a banner either hand made or printed there is a great deal on ebay for pop up banners or vista print for vinyl banners.
  • Customers feel that you are a credible business if you have a website or an email address that they can contact you through. Template websites are a great start Create
  • Business cards don’t have to be expensive my favourite one is a stamp print onto brown paper
  • Have a cover for your stall pitch or table – even consider having a custom printed fabric see not that expensive.
  • People love a mooch so have tactile cheap products at the front.
  • Different ways of displaying are important- shelves , tree bark, tree branches, baskets, improvise with things that can display things – charity shops and car boot will throw up some great finds.
  • Try to height to the table.
  • Have everything priced (and by law there should be a price list up and place of manufacture)
  • Don’t expect peeps to “walk into” a pitch,  tables are better. But remember the back and sides are your windows so display items here.
  • Say hello and smile and be approachable DONT POUNCE
  • People love stories – have pictures of studios or work spaces (in my case I have pictures of Sweetheart Knit grannies knitting)
  • Ensure that you have insurance
  • Nice packaging / boxes does make a difference.
  • Try to take contact details of peeps to build up a database of people who have shown an interest in your products – always have a pad and pen available to capture this .

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