Sam Miller – How blogging has helped my business…

After sharing her Day in the Life of … with us last week Sam Miller has kindly agreed to give you an insgiht into how blogging has helped her business grow and develop.  If you are a small business looking to start a business blog and not sure where to start do check out our Blogging for Business Booklet. 

When I started my own art business about a year ago I was really not a big fan of social media, particularly blogging. I couldn’t understand why people would blog and who would read it, so now a year on I am totally surprised to find that I am both the one blogging and one of the people who reads other people’s blogs. Plus, even more surprising than that is the fact that I am loving it!!

I find it is a great way to get your ideas and work out there and it is great to recieve comments and advice from other people. I’m still not sure how so many people find me but I have reached a much wider audience by doing this and have made great connections and contacts with others. I think it is a perfect way for people to find about you and your business, to see what you are doing and to see a real personality behind the work.

I have been to a few marketing and networking events over the past year and the main message I have got from them is that YOU are the best promotional tool for your business, so following this logic I really believe blogging is an ideal way to promote yourself and your products.

I have also found on a personal level it can help me think things through and help me prioritise my work by focusing my ideas, deciding clearly what I want to tell people about and what I want to achieve. It has definitely increased my profile and through this has increased the amount of viewers and customers I am getting to my website and into my shop.

I have also found a whole network of other people working on their own art projects so I am really enjoying finding out about others, reading and commenting on their blogs. Rather than being an isolated occupation, I have found blogging has introduced me to a whole exciting community which can be reached from my cosy little home.

I would recommend blogging to anyone, at first I felt it was an obligation, to tick the box that said my business had a blog. Now I am a total convert, I feel like it is an invaluable tool for me to use to communicate my ideas and show my work to the world. I also enjoy just putting my thoughts down in this way and it does help me formulate my thoughts and practise my pitch for when I am speaking to people in the real world!

My blog is developing all the time as I get more ideas about how to use it and I am really excited about the future and all the plans I have for it including competitions, featured artists and tutorials so do please keep taking a look and I would love to know what you think.

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