Pinterest bow to public opinion

A few weeks back Joanne discussed the use of Pinterest as a social media platform for small businesses . Many of the featured small businesses spoke about their unhappiness with the Terms and conditions. So there was a huge sigh of relief when Pinterest revised their terms.

Pinterest’s new Terms of Service come into effect for all users on April 6th 2012.

Concerns were raised by users regarding the clause that gave Pinterest the right to sell any content that was posted on the service by users. In a statement, Pinterest co-founder Ben Silbermann said: “Selling content was never our intention and we removed this from our updated terms”

The ‘Acceptable Use Policy’ has also been updated and it will no longer allow ‘pins’ that explicitly encourage self-harm or self-abuse. Previously, there was no specific mention of ‘pins’ of this nature.

Simpler tools have been introduced for users to report alleged copyright or trademark infringements.

Finally, Pinterest have revealed they have added foundations on which to add new features such as a Pinterest API and also Private Pinboards.

Pinterest say that these updates are a work in progress and they will continue to improve upon them. They admit they have had help from their community to make sure the new Terms are what the user wants, as they are striving to make Pinterest the best place to find inspiration from people who share your interests.

Pinterest user Kerry Davies of mylovebumps says of the changes “I think they are so much better, and im glad I didn’t delete my boards, although I make a point of always clicking through now, to check the source”

So do you agree with the changes? Or is this just a baby step in the right direction? Do Pinterest have further to go?

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