Crafting a Successful Small Business #CraftingPB

It seems like such a long time ago when I decided to write a book it’s something that has been on my agenda for a while but I didn’t have a clue where to start. So I thought I’d take the time to start at the beginning.

In January 2011 what was suppose to be a routine pregnancy scan turned into the worst day of my life.  After having 2 perfectly healthy children you never imagine things will go wrong – why would they you have done it before, your body knows what to do.   At 22weeks we were informed that our baby wasn’t growing properly and that the Dr’s are unsure why.   Our prognosis was as follows:-

Baby has no physical characteristics or features or issues which can be attributed to her small size.  The placenta is more than likely the issue.  Come back for a scan in 3 weeks time to measure her growth again.  This will be crucial in deciding the next step.  Ideally if pushed to deliver 28 weeks presents the best chance for baby’s survival.

Reading this now all those thoughts, fears and emotions well up inside me and I can’t help but cry – which is silly as Olive crawls along the floor beside pushing her car – my perfectly happy, healthy baby.  Statistics show that under 28 weeks the survival rate is very low so to be told that, that is your ‘goal’ was horrendous.  The next few months I threw myself into my business, blog writing and my family – M&M and with every hospital appointment (there were many!! Every 2-3 weeks) there was the glimmer of hope.  Baby was still growing slowly buts steadily and even though the consultant always looked puzzled and filled our heads with woe our little baby didn’t listen.

Thankfully intervention wasn’t needed and all by herself at 42 weeks and 1 day – Olive Anne Louise Giltrow made her entrance into the world a staggering 5lbs.  Due to her size and a few sugar issues from the speedy labour we were admitted onto the ward.  Sadly I’ll never look back on this time with fondness!! It was awful! Moo would cry his eyes out when he came to visit – missing his mummy dearly.  Olive wasn’t putting any weight on and Daddy Moo was spending a small fortune on car parking.  Then one day I called Daddy Moo asking him to bring me a notebook and pen … he reminded me I should be resting before I came home and had 3 other people to take care of, enjoy some 1:1 with Olive.   That day after Daddy Moo went home, I had eaten my gourmet NHS dinner (yuck!)  and Olive was asleep – I started writing a plan.

With every visit to the hospital we never had any answers – we had resigned ourselves to looking after a sick child.  Olive displayed signs of this and signs of that but nothing concrete to pin point.  So to suddenly be presented with a baby that looked, smelled and behaved in the same way as my previous babies albeit smaller was … this might sound weird … but inspiring.  I felt that Olive hadn’t given up she hadn’t struggled her way through the pregnancy like we were led to believe she did her own thing in her own time – she is AMAZING!   I felt that I needed to do something amazing in her honour.   So that book I keep saying I’ll do then another year and another year passes by I put pen to paper and I jointed down my ideas.  As I wrote it became apparent that my other business commitments were going to hold me back – with time and limiting my resources.

So after 6 days in hospital we were finally allowed home.  My list complete …

My plan had was as follows:-

  1. Write a book and have it published.
  2. Sell Networking Mummies UK
  3. Enjoy every moment with M,M&O – mummy 1st – business 2nd.
OK so it isn’t an inspired list!
Olive is 11months old now.
In December 2011 I sold my half of Networking Mummies UK
In April 2012 my first book Crafting a Successful Small Business went on sale for pre-orders.
Oh and … I have enjoyed every single moment of the past 11 months being the best mummy I can be.
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  1. April 23, 2012 / 9:28 am

    Wow Joanne – what an inspiring story. You & Olive did so well to make it full term. I know that feeling of helplessness well – I was told I would have to deliver at 29 weeks with Theo due to severe pre-eclampsia. We made it to 30 weeks, and then had an emergency section. At 3lb 1oz he was teeny but perfect and just needed time (7 weeks in nicu) to grow. But things like that certainly change your view on life.

    I’m so glad you took inspiration from your experience and gave you the push to go for your dreams. Can’t wait to see the book – I bet it’s amazing!

  2. Erica Martyn
    April 23, 2012 / 9:50 am

    Joanne you have always inspired me from the moment I was introduced to you, and your experience with baby Olive just goes to show how strong and amazing you are in your personal life alongside your professional life! I hope your book will inspire many more people into perusing there dreams and realise that working for yourself has so many more advantages than a regular job! Although it is very hard work at times the rewards in personal satisfaction along make it all worth while!!! X

  3. Elaine Croft
    April 23, 2012 / 9:03 pm

    just want to say congratulations on your book and your little fighter! Such inspiration! x

    • Joanne
      April 23, 2012 / 9:09 pm

      Thank you lovely ladies xx